Created by Gabriella Maselli McGrail
Surf Zombies
Surf Zombies is an Australian cult zombie feature film.
Set in the insular surfing communities of Maroubra and the South Coast, it anticipates a not-too-distant future of climate change catastrophes.
Emotional, cool and gritty, Surf Zombies fuses family drama and teenage romance with the horror of a human-zombie hybrid apocolypse.

Created by Gabriella Maselli McGrail
Surf Zombies
Surf Zombies is an Australian cult zombie feature film.
Set in the insular surfing communities of Maroubra and the South Coast, it anticipates a not-too-distant future of climate change catastrophes.
Emotional, cool and gritty, Surf Zombies fuses family drama and teenage romance with the horror of a human-zombie hybrid apocolypse.
When a group of Maroubra teenagers dare eachother for a night surf, one of them goes missing in the increasingly shark infested waters.
Popular 16-year-old Radha is set up on social media as the instigator, and old enemies resurfacw for the Mizzi family.
To avoid humiliation and retribution, they escape to the romote South Coast to reconnect with the ocean and locals.But a new deadly virus overrunning the city forces families together … surfing their only chance for survival.